This problem can be solved by temporarily excluding the incomplete group from the message selector, or by copying the group to an in-memory or persistent store for completion later. 这个问题可以通过将不完整的组临时从消息选择器中排除得到解决,也可以将该组复制到内存中或持久性存储中,以便稍后完成。
Like a rule group, a selector has date range entries, selection criteria, and a default destination. 与规则组一样,选择器拥有日期范围条目、选择条件和缺省目标。
By default, the Event Group profile has an event selector string with the value CommonBaseEvent [ true()]. 默认情况下,EventGroup配置文件有一个事件选择器字符串,其值为CommonBaseEvent[true()]。
An event group defines a logical collection of events by associating an event selector with a unique name. 事件组通过将事件选择器与唯一的名称联系在一起来定义事件的逻辑集合。
This paper takes the multiposition control of single group light for a example, analyzes the inadequacy of the existent multi-position control circuit of mechanical selector switch, and introduces the basic working principle and practical circuit of the multi-position control circuit formed by the electronics logic switch. 本文以单组照明灯的多地点控制为例,分析了机械式组合开关的多地点控制电路存在的不足之处;介绍电子式逻辑开关组成的多地点控制电路的基本工作原理及实用电路。